If you want to provide a large number of users with the mailFISH service you might be interested in setting up your own mailFISH server. This page provides you with respective information.

When using the free version of the mailFISH POP3/SMTP proxy all indirect mail communication goes through serFISH.com. This might not be attractive for companies using the service due to the following reasons:

  • For each account it is necessary to purchase transfer credits if a large number of messages shall be transmitted.
  • The given security policies might imply the preference of tunnelling mails via a private rather than a public server.
  • Response times, bandwidth and availability can be controlled more effectively if the service is offered in-house.

We therefore also offer an enterprise version of the mailFISH server, which may be executed and offered within private networks. It is intended for companies or network providers who want to offer POP3/SMTP tunnelling services to their members and associates.

The mailFISH server is based on Java and therefore requires a Java application server (such as Apache Tomcat). With your purchase you obtain a web application archive as well as the non-free version of the mailFISH client which allows you to configure the mailFISH server used for message tunnelling.

If you are interested in setting up your own mailFISH server please do not hesitate to get in touch with us. We will be glad to provide you with additional information and answer your questions.

All rights reserved, (c) serFISH.com, 2007-2023